About Me

My name is Dan George and I'm a Designer from West London.

I've had a successful career spanning 20 years from leading the end-to-end delivery for multi-million-dollar web/mobile applications and enterprise-wide projects for global organizations in Finance and Pharma, to disrupting the US energy B2B/B2C contract procurement industry as the head of product design for an energy-tech start-up in the US.

Extensive expertise in project and stakeholder management, qualitative and quantitative research, creative design, building design systems, UX/accessibility standards, front-end development, Agile project delivery, and specialist knowledge in a wide range of industry-standard software. I have a proactive approach to tackling challenges, working independently but collaborating when required, leveraging data and user insights to produce innovative deliverables aligned with technical capabilities. I exceed stakeholder expectations, delivering excellence to drive self-service experiences and adoption, and enhance brand recognition.

Key Projects

Freelance Projects

Full Portfolio of Work

4 contracts between Sept 2017 - Jun 2024

Senior UX/UI Designer

During my tenure with the Institute of Chartered Accountancy, I led the UX/UI design work for 6 key projects.

PROJECT: Onboarding and Nurturing Key Journey

April to June 2024

Led the User Experience work for the Onboarding and Nurturing project to define how the organisation facilitates an increase in continuous engagement for the lifecycle of our Students and Members through onboarding services and pathways that foster positive and nurturing business behaviours.

Impact: For the first time, the Pathways and International user journey was mapped at a level of granularity that highlighted its deficiencies, providing a set of recommendations to prioritise design and process upgrade efforts based on highest impact.

  • Research - Built a UX Hierarchical Framework to understand at any given point in time of a user journey mapping, how audiences, digital and human assets (owned and non-owned), and touchpoints play their part in the that experience. (Excel)
  • Research - Researched, listed, and interviewed key internal stakeholders involved in onboarding and interacting with targeted audiences through their journey. (Excel)
  • Research - Ran surveys with stakeholder groups on their opinions of how their team and the organization as a whole improved the onboarding and nurturing activities. (Typeform)
  • UX - Built a multi-tiered representation of how all human and digital touchpoints tie back into the value proposition of the company and the tactics involved during those interactions. (Mural)
  • UX - Built an end-to-end journey for the Pathways to Membership audience (those looking to join ICAEW from another accounting body) highlighting how different teams are engaging without any true consistency of digital asset design, and how processes are disjointed leaving the audience lost and confused.(Figjam)


PROJECT: 9 week contract - Student to Member Transition Project

Oct 2020 to Jan 2021

Devising a strategy for ICAEW ACA Students to build a stronger brand affinity through the 3-year course to improve post-graduation membership conversions.

  • Research - Interviewed ICAEW Student Support team members, and existing and newly graduated ACA students. (F2F)
  • Research - In-depth data research around current processes, communications, and engagement throughout the 3-year ACA course. (Keynote / Excel / Lucidchart)
  • User Testing - Executed User Testing session with Students to discover current behaviours and to set tasks on common Student content requests. Created key journey persona documentation to outline current frustrations. (F2F)
  • UX - Created a Moodboard to demonstrate how brands are using brand affinity and emotions to connect with users, using Spotify as a strong example. (Sketch)
  • UX - Mapped the student journey and key touchpoints and plotted recommendations for improved communications and engagement through a Student Mobile App. (Lucidchart)
  • UI - Created a set of mid-fidelity Mobile App designs to demonstrate the student experience through the 3-year course including payment to full ICAEW membership conversion. (Sketch)
  • Leadership - Presented the strategy to Senior Leadership to sell through the concept of Brand Affinity tied to the Mobile App experience. (Keynote)


PROJECT: 9 month contract - Unified Account Project

Mar 2019 to Nov 2019

Led the Research, UX, and UI work for a key assignment to enhance the current ICAEW account experience.

  • Research - Interviewed internal ICAEW staff and targeted ICAEW members from different stages of their career. (F2F)
  • Research - Analysed current processes, member offerings, engagement triggers, communcations, and content. (Excel / Keynote)
  • User Testing - Performed and documented user tests, setting members tasks to perform tied to the current ICAEW account experience and accountancy career development. (F2F)
  • UX - Built a concept around the ICAEW Mia bot engaging with members through the website and mobile app as their personal assitant. Also introduced the Mentor/Mentee concept to better connect members in the community. (Sketching / Sketch)
  • UI - Developed 5 sets of mobile-first wireframes and conceptual designs for each member type. (Sketch)
  • Leadership - Presented the concepts to C-Suite leadership. Project approved but halted due to Covid-19. (Keynote)


PROJECT: Universal Header and Navigation Project

Sept 2017 to Aug 2018

Led the Universal Header and Navigation menu project for www.icaew.com. Project to bring together the family of ICAEW websites under one common header and menu experience.

Impact: Menu activity on ICAEW.com quadrupled within the first 12 months with a wealth of positive feedback from the ICAEW member community.

  • Research - Audited and mapped out over 100+ existing ICAEW web, mobile, social assets to understand the lansdcape and how menus were being utilitsed. (Excel)
  • Research - Ran multiple Card-sorting/IA workshops for all existing ICAEW.com menu owners to brainstorm and map out proposed menu structures and labelling. Jobs and Careers came together for the first time and agreed on a path forward!
  • Research - Interviewed multiple key internal stakeholders on their perception of the menu and where they feel improvements should be made.
  • User Testing - Worked alongside the Research Team to plan, execute, and document a series of user tests tied to key ICAEW member audiences. (Camtasia)
  • Leadership - Presented the Universal Header project at the ICAEW Digital Conference. (Keynote)
  • UX - Mapped out and presented the Information Architecture of the proposed Menu structure to Digital Leads and Product Owners. (Keynote)
  • UX - Sketched out and then wireframed interactive design concepts based on the new menu. (Balsamiq / Sketch)
  • User Testing - Executed a series of external testing with ICAEW members and members of the public for their interpretations of the menu layout and labelling. (Whatusersdo)
  • UI - Ran a series of sessions with the development team on the interactive expectations of new menu structure to brainstorm ideas on how to execute.
  • UI - Build a set of UI designs for hand off to the development team. (Sketch / Zeplin)
  • Delivery - Design Lead for the Agile development project.
  • Delivery - Wrote acceptance criteria through JIRA user stories and performed design QA activities throughout each sprint. (JIRA / Confluence)
  • Delivery - Worked with developers when confronted with technical issues and redesign aspects of the UI delivery to compensate.
  • Delivery - Installed GA tracking and survey tools for post-launch analysis. (Google Analytics / Hotjar)


Other ICAEW Projects

PROJECT: Find a Chartered Accountant

Researched and developed the design concepts for find.icaew.com/search to redesign the website aligned to the Pattern Library and redesigning and simplifying the search filter experience.

PROJECT: Pattern Library Design System

Accelerated the core UI templates and components project, building and delivering spec for promotional and article mobile-ready templates to the back end Sitecore CMS team, building new elements and symbols for the ICAEW Sketch pattern library ux.icaew.com/pattern-library.html .

PROJECT: ICAEW.com Templates

Delivered the UI design for the Technical Resources hub template on www.icaew.com. Collaborated with various internal technical and content groups. Conducted 3 rounds of testing through WhatUserDo.



Nov 2023 - Jan 2024

UX Design Lead

Assignment to discover “last-minute” UX/UI issues related to an interactive table tennis game called PPX.

Impact: Critical onboarding and playability issues fixed for Jan 15, 2024, launch.

  • Research - Heuristic evaluation of the overall game UX, including onboarding, game play and environment.
  • User Testing - Performed 2 rounds of on-site usability testing with game players at two venues in London. Witnessed and recorded points of confusion which were presented back to the stakeholders.
  • UX/UI - UX/UI enhancements to the mobile app and PPX game screens based on priority issues with registering players for the game and general playability. Also made strong recommendations for improvements to the WIFI signal and lighting at the venue. (Figma)



Aug 2022 - Nov 2023

Global Digital Experience Lead

The User Experience Design and Research Lead for the Global Enterprise Risk Management Migration Program, leading a team of 4, reporting directly to the General Counsel Innovation Lead.

Impact: Spearheaded UX Research and Design, expediting and managing risks, and eliminating known issues across tech, process, and culture. Devised a blueprint for UX/UI practices across all internal applications.

Research & Strategy

  • Analysed all historical materials, platform data, and previously conducted research highlighting cultural, educational, workflow, and technical pain points
  • Conducted a series of Workshops at the Canon Street Office with key Risk Stakeholders and Business Leads to discuss and map current risk management processes/practices and to highlight key process failures.
  • Developed a UX Strategy and presented to both the C-suite (COO, CFO, CRO) and Steering Committee Leadership. (Mural / Keynote)
  • Audited Risk across the Fidelity digital ecosystem reviewing culture, existing pathways, consistency of language, and risk management processes to deliver recommendations. (Mural)

UX / Leadership

  • Devised a new set of UX/UI and Accessibility principles for all internal platforms to support the vendor selection process. (Excel).
  • Collaborated closely with the Product Owner and Process Optimisation team to bridge the design knowledge gap for UX/UI recommendations being directed to the Development Team.
  • Presented "UX for Internal Applications" to the C-suite, advocating UX practices and how they align to Fidelity corporate values.

User Testing

  • Created a list of 200 global/local business user candidates as a foundation for workshops, interviews and user testing. (Excel)
  • Devised real-world user testing medium/high level risk scenarios for targeted business teams to test dynamic risk submission form wireframes built in Axure. User testing executed through UserZoom with 50 users over 10 rounds. (Userzoom / Axure)
  • Built persona documentation and presented findings to the General Counsel Leadership team and the Product Owner. (Mural / Keynote)

UI Design

  • Created a Service Design document to define the ideal path for key tasks across human, technology, data, and communication touchpoints. (Mural)
  • Built a set of high-fidelity designs, aligning to the Global Design Standards, and to the constraints of the targeted technology infrastructure, ServiceNow, MS Teams, AI Chat. (Sketch)
  • Delivered a set of Business and Functional Requirement Documentation for hand-off to the Development and ServiceNow Teams. (Adobe InDesign)



May 2017 - Jun 2022

Product and Design Lead

Headed up the product and design function for the company overseeing and driving the product roadmap and UX/UI design practices for 4 web applications, and all creative work to support the sales and marketing team.

Impact: My contributions played a pivotal role in elevating the company's valuation to an impressive $25 million within a span of just 5 years.

  • Leadership - Worked alongside the Co-founders to deliver the strategy and vision for the product, building a roadmap to initially deliver the Beta MVP but then to expand to the full product.
  • Research - Ran IA/UX Brainstorm Workshops in Annapolis, MA with internal team members, former traders, and commercial business owners to better understand the requirements for the application and the "One-click Contracting" process.
  • User Testing - Performed 4 rounds of usability testing with internal team members and an external focus group for each of the 4 web applications.
  • UX - Developed interactive conceptual wireframes for the user testing and internal stakeholder approvals. (InVision)
  • UI - Designed data dashboards and one-click contracting screens for the client, supplier, and admin dashboards for hand off to the off-shore development teams. (Adobe Photoshop / Sketch)
  • UI - Created and documented an atomic design library in Sketch (then Figma) for rapid wireframe and creative prototyping. (Sketch / Figma)
  • Delivery - Design Lead for the Agile development project.
  • Delivery - Wrote acceptance criteria through JIRA user stories and performed design QA activities throughout each sprint. (JIRA / Confluence)
  • Delivery - Worked with developers when confronted with technical issues and redesign aspects of the UI delivery to compensate.


May - Jul 2023

Product Design Lead

HealthTech company based in the US provided a 3-month assignment to assess, identify and upgrade UX/UI across all digital assets before commercial launch in Aug 2023.

Impact: Accelerated product readiness and offered client assurances around product launch.

  • Research - Interviewed the CEO, Chief Medical Officer and other service providers to identify requirements known UX/CX challenges within the industry.
  • Research - Heuristic evaluation of all digital assets and interviewed stakeholders and the operational team.
  • UX - Mapped out the proposed end-to-end journey coverin all human and technology touchpoints throughout the 5 stages. (Mural)
  • UI - Recommended design changes to the existing infrastructure, considering development timing and technical constraints across the front-end and back-end low-code web applications, as well as online marketing assets. (Sketch / Invision)
  • Delivery - integral part of the development team sprints as leading design QA. (JIRA)



Sept - Dec 2021

Product Design Lead

Telehealth for substance use disorder recovery, supporting in-person and remote treatment for recovering Opioid addicts. Tasked to create rapid creatives (UX/UI) and operational materials to hit a January 2022 launch deadline.

Impact: Accelerated product launch and operational readiness of the platform and service offering.

  • Research - Conducted interviews with Recovery Centre Owners and Clinicians on existing challenges or remote and in-person recovery.
  • UI - Extended inherited UX wireframes and built UI creatives for the mobile app (remote treatment) and onscreen video conferencing (in-person + remote group sessions) aligned to the company brand guidelines. (Sketch / Invision)
  • UI - Created offline patient onboarding and partner Telehealth reimbursement guides. (Sketch / Keynote)
  • Delivery - Worked with offshore development teams to take the designs to production and performed post-release usability testing. (JIRA)



Jan 2016 – April 2017

Global Digital Experience Lead

UX Design and Digital Experience Strategist for China, Russia, Europe and International West.

  • Worked alongside Brand & Marketing Directors, leading workshops, building high-quality UX documentation, and developing a “reason to believe” attitude within local markets limited through budgetary and compliance restrictions.
  • Led the operational and UX design to deliver a clinical trial patient retention solution for a $300m trial, designed to scale, targeting cost savings in excess of $50m.
  • Agile Scrum Master for content strategy for the Global Healthcare Professional Portal project. Led and developed epics and user stories for sprints through JIRA and Confluence, developing a content framework for delivery of content to ADOBE AEM developers, aligned to the technical requirements of the platform.
  • Led the end-to-end UX delivery of over 30 digital projects in 2016, including HCP portals in China, Russia and Switzerland and supported the multi-million-dollar commercial launch of respiratory drug Bevespi in the US.

Mar 2013 – Dec 2015

UX/UI Design Lead

Lead channel marketing strategy sessions created high-quality UX/UI documentation detailing key user journeys, sitemaps, wireframes, and key user flows.

  • Creative designs to support web, email, and mobile concepts for teams in the US, UK, Belgium, France, Netherlands, and China.
  • Built Creative, IA, UX and Email Standards documentation for the platform.
  • UX and Creative design lead of the internally promoted website for the Global Digital Delivery (GDD) group, leading stakeholder whiteboard sessions, building personas and key user journeys, building wireframes demonstrating optimal layouts and content strategy in Balsamig, developing creative designs post-approval.
  • Quality gatekeeper for UX delivery across all technical and creative workstreams, including formative and summative UX testing of developed templates and components in Adobe AEM.
  • Managed, mentored and inspired UX thinking in client stakeholders and over 100 team members with tactics including regular UX forum meetings and Digital Marketing Forums for Local Market Leaders.

Apr 2009 – Mar 2013

UX/UI Designer

UX Design and Digital Experience Strategist for China, Russia, Europe and International West.

  • Consulting with Cognizant successfully delivering over 100 web, email and digital campaign projects for AstraZeneca with both SDL (formally Alterian) and SharePoint CMS.
  • Lead the design delivery end to end, with tried and tested strengths in user-flows, wireframing, prototyping, research, creative designs and UI specifications, with a solid understanding of user-centred design principles and multiplatform design. An excellent conceptual and strategic mindset, with extended experience of designing and advising for multi-channel marketing campaigns in the UK, Italy and Belgium.
  • Strong mentoring and guidance to offshore resources, guiding on best practices design methods, and setting client expectations.

My Skills

UX/UI Design

Figma 100%
Sketch 100%
Axure 100%
Figjam 100%
Mural 100%
Design Systems 100%
Adobe Creative Suite 80%


Workshops 100%
Ethnographic Studies 100%
Persona Development 100%
Usability Testing 100%
User Interviews / Surveys 100%


Stakeholder Management 100%
Team Mentoring 100%
UX Advocacy 100%
UX/UI principles 100%
C-suite Presentations 100%


Agile 100%
HTML 100%
CSS 100%
Angular 70%

What People Say

From day one, Dan has been a true team player and an extremely positive influence on everyone. Dan is not afraid of complex challenges, in fact, it is evident he thrives in these situations and would go out of his way to solve problems and make ‘the complicated’ simple and intuitive for the end user and/or customer. Dan is extremely thorough and articulate in his rationale. Dan has many strengths, one thing that stands out to me is his ability to present his ideas and take stakeholders on a journey, and in doing so obtain buy-in by showing the importance of user-centered design.

Sophie Trew

Fidelity International - Global Digital Experience Associate Director

Having had the pleasure to work with Dan a number of times over the past few years it is very evident he's got sound UX principles and experience. Through his thorough technique, he understands and champions the UCD approach top-to-bottom to complete any task in hand. Whether that be working with other UX team departments or on his own, Dan will simply get on with the job. Coupled with his wealth of UI experience, Dan can prove himself to be a valuable asset in any UX/Product Design Team and to facilitate the collective vision of the bigger picture of a product to wider audiences. Confident and reliable, Dan is a very proactive, honest worker. He is engaging, innovative and informative and clearly a designer that strives to bring the best out of the project and those involved.

Rob Humphries

UX Designer at ICAEW

Dan's skills go far beyond the realm of mere aesthetics. He possesses a rare combination of exceptional design talent, technical prowess, and strategic thinking, making him a truly invaluable team player. His contributions to Zentility were instrumental in shaping the user experience and visual identity of our platform.

Ryan Peauch

CEO at Zentility

Dan’s work at AstraZeneca elevated the UX/Design standards of the Brand agencies by holding them accountable but also by way of constructive criticism and education. Rigorous and personable, Dan was the Lead on the onboarding of a main global offshore partner. His approach UX/Design is textbook perfect, which he combines with a range of multidisciplinary skills, in particular marketing and operations. It would be a privilege to work with Dan again.

Boris Jacquin

Omnichannel Delivery Director at AstraZeneca

There are some folks you work with that you just have to work with... it's a part of the job. Dan isn't one of those guys! Dan emits enthusiasm all the time and is a joy to be around. His passion for client outcomes never reduces and his level of commitment to quality is endearing and infectious.

Andrew Finlayson

Accenture - Creative Impact & Transformation | Health, Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals

Dan is not only a talented, creative designer but his blend of techncial skills gives him the ability to antcipate implementation challenges in any design project and ensure they are mitigated effectively.

Andrew Liptrot

Head of Conferencing Services at AstraZeneca

Daniel works closely with the client to create great website designs that are fit for purpose. Daniel has a very good understanding of usability which ensures that his designs work well with all kinds of users. It is always a pleasure to work with Daniel as he is service minded and listens to the clients need and works to meet those needs in the best possible ways without diverting from best practises.

Maria Öst

Kommunikatör på Svenska Lottakåren

I've worked closely with Daniel for more than three years. I find him to have a very strong work ethic and a good focus on completing tasks on time. His problem-solving skills are excellent and he can often find a new approach to a difficult question. He produces high-quality design work quickly and to specification whilst taking full account of accessibility and usability considerations.

Mark Rees

Software Developer at Ministry of Justice

Daniel is a talented designer with great flair who put together some superb layouts for our sites at AstraZeneca. Working within the limitations of the CMS templates he delivered some very innovative, yet compliant designs. Dan has a good appreciation of the need to work to accepted web standards and contributed greatly to the usability and accessibility of our sites.

Steve Robinson

Associate at Complete Digital